Unlocking the Potential of Substitute Teaching

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Unlocking the Potential of Substitute Teaching

Partner with Us

1 Full Year

of a student’s K-12 time
is taught by subs


of school districts do not train subs on classroom mangement


of substitute teachers want to pursue teacher certification


“To all district leaders out there, if you’re looking to create a consistent student experience, ensure substitutes can effectively lead the classroom, grow your own talent, and create a larger community-wide benefit, this is the platform to use,”

Dr. Tanaz Bruna, HR Director, Saugus Union School District

“There’s nothing quite like SubSchool available, and nothing even remotely similar. To be a substitute, candidates must demonstrate basic skills alongside a degree, and even with these minimal requirements, finding substitutes is hard to do. SubSchool ensures we can support and retain substitute talent, while meeting our top-level goal of securing a consistent student experience,”

Dr. Nick Stephany, Asst. Superintendent, Redondo Beach Unified School District  


“SubSchool not only aligned with our values, but also brought a wealth of evidence-driven expertise to the program. We viewed the partnership as a foundation on which we could rapidly build.”

Annie Lamberto, Washington Education Association

Case Studies

RBUSD is using SubSchool to help advance a mission-critical goal: fill every classroom, every day.

WEA is partnering with SubSchool as part of a statewide initiative to support Emergency Substitute Teachers.


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Substantial is a fiscally sponsored project of Playworks Education Energized (“Playworks”), a California based nonprofit public benefit corporation. Playworks is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code and our Federal Tax ID number (FEIN) is 94-3251867.