Subs Deserve

Real PD


SubSchool is a virtual course and collaboration platform designed to build the key competencies subs need to thrive.

“SubSchool is offered at a great price, providing subs with substantial training to effectively lead instruction in the classroom. It’s structured to allow for independent learning, boosting sub job knowledge and fostering a growing community of support. Launching it couldn’t be easier … you’ll quickly see a significant benefit with this program.” 

– Dr. Nick Stephany, Asst. Superintendent, RBUSD 

Case Studies

LBUSD is using SubSchool to ensure that every substitute is prepared for the job, before they enter the classroom.

RBUSD is using SubSchool to help advance a mission-critical goal: fill every classroom, every day.

SUSD is using SubSchool to support substitutes with professional development, and to build their pipeline of future teachers.

HISD sets themselves apart from neighboring districts by using SubSchool to prepare and support their subs.

What SubSchool Offers



With a subscription to SubSchool, you offer your substitute teachers a place to connect, learn, and grow. When you provide subs with robust, ongoing professional development, you can:


  • Boost the recruitment + retention of substitutes
  • Elevate the quality + impact of substitutes
  • Tap into a new pipeline to grow teachers


Learning Content



Self-Paced Online Courses

  • ✓  Welcome to Substitute Teaching
  • ✓  Classroom Management Series – 4 Courses
  • ✓  Leading Instruction Series – 4 Courses
  • ✓  Advanced Courses: Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices, Supporting Students with Disabilities

Resource Library

  • ✓  Workbook
  • ✓  Q&A


and Coaching


✓ Seminar-style small group sessions to go deeper into the SubSchool curriculum


✓ A space for subs to discuss day-to-day successes and challenges with a coach.

Sub-to-Teacher Pathway (California only)

✓ Supported transition to certification for subs in partnership with Reach University.

What Subs Are Saying…

“I am completely new to substituting. After completing this course though I can confidently say that I feel prepared to be a substitute teacher.”


“I learned so many things. The flow of the content was great – it felt like I was in a class that followed all the advice it was giving.”

“As a retired teacher now subbing, I found this series to be an excellent refresher to what I learned in teacher’s college.”

Effective & Engaging PD

Want to know more about the efficacy of SubSchool?  Check out this external evaluation of a SubSchool pilot.

2023-2024 Pricing

Looking for funding? You have options. We have identified several Title and ESSER sources.

For details and budget templates, click on the link below. Funding sources for Substantial Products including Title I, Part A, Title II, Title IV and ESSER I, II, III.  

Terms  | Privacy Policy  |  Careers @ Substantial | SubPlans Support 

Substantial is a fiscally sponsored project of Playworks Education Energized (“Playworks”), a California based nonprofit public benefit corporation. Playworks is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code and our Federal Tax ID number (FEIN) is 94-3251867.