Start the School Year By Welcoming Back Your Subs!

by | Aug 15, 2019

Principals:  It’s back to school season and that means welcoming your team back to campus.  This year we want to challenge you to extend that warm welcome—and back-to-school learning opportunity—to substitute teachers. As you know, they are some of the hardest working educators and rarely get access to professional learning and support. We want to change that and help you deepen your relationships with your favorite subs so they keep coming back to your school.  

Here’s how:

  1. Print out this card
  2. Add a quick personal note (maybe just a quick “thanks!” and signature)
  3. Ask your office team to give the cards to subs during the first month of school

That’s it! Your subs will appreciate getting a note from you and will have access to a free online resource that covers classroom management practices, activity ideas, and self care strategies. 


PDF Card: print, fold and share with subs!

Welcome Back Website: easy access if you also want to share digitally.