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Strong Plans Keep Subs Coming Back
SubPlans makes it easier for teachers to create plans, admin teams to manage plans, and subs to understand plans.
That means smoother days and more subs coming back to your school.
What SubPlans Offers

Centralized Online Management
Standardized Print-to-PDF Plans
Easy Online Access for Subs
SubPlans in Action:
Sunnyvale Unified School District
SubPlans makes it so easy to do the right thing.
The implementation training was so well done, it was easy to get my teachers started.
Subs are signing up for schools that they might not have considered because of SubPlans.
It makes stepping into a position much easier. If you know you’ll get plans that are organized the same way and know what to look for, it means less reading first thing in the morning and better subbing!
2022-2023 Pricing
Looking for funding? You have options. We have identified several Title and ESSER sources.
For details and budget templates, click on the link below. Funding sources for Substantial Products including Title I, Part A, Title II, Title IV and ESSER I, II, III.
School License
Contact us for multi-school pricing
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